A humble bow..

Woohoo!! What a way to be wrapping up the year?! My blog just received two awards from two very lovely people Joana Alonzo and Joe.

Joana is a young, talented student who has an adorable blog at The OC.

Joe, is simply quite a lot of things, a golfer, an ex Air Force man, a family man and an IT braniac. Wat more?! You can catch Joe at My Haphazard Proclivities.

The Versatile Blogger Award

The Liebster Blog

I did not know, until about a month ago, that blogs received awards. I think it’s just amazing, how a simple gesture by a fellow blogger, can help boost your confidence and give you that urge to keep going.

 Liebster, I believe means dearest / beloved in German. Thank you so much, Joana Alonzo and Joe for the love.

The Liebster Blog Award

This award is meant to motivate and attract more attention to new blogs, by spreading the word! I hope this award does just the same for the blogs that I mention below. I believe that the world needs to see these blogs!!

Nominations for the Liebster Award –

Rasta Teacher – A true music lover. A true human being. A teacher not only by profession, but by example. Visit rasta teacher’s blog to know more.

The Pyjama Warrior  – A sarcastic, witty, yet funny account of the everyday dramas of our motherland, India.

Klextin – Turning the Page – A very unique blog about a blossoming relationship. Love reading your posts.

Diabetic Redemption – Judith’s everyday encounters and my everyday reading material. Check her blog out.

I Live, I Love, I Teach – She’s a teacher. An educator. She moulds children. She’s an inspiration to us all. Don’t miss her blog!

PCC Advantage – A highly highly recommended blog. It has everything, you need to have in a blog! Love it!

Mayank Pandey – The colours of India seen through Mayank Pandey’s lens. Don’t miss it.

Congratulations to all of you!! Feel the love… : )

The Versatile Blogger Award

This award is very special for me, as I try to make sure there is something for everyone, on my blog. This award portrays just that. I am indefinitely grateful to The OC and My Haphazard Proclivities for nominating me.

Nominations for the Versatile Blogger Award –

I Live, I Love, I Teach


PCC Advantage


Bodhi Rose

Partial View

Congratulations on your award!! : )

Wow! I feel like Santa Claus! 😛

Now, remember with great awards, come great responsibilities..

There are three specific rules regarding the acceptance of the Liebster and the Versatile Blog Award.

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and post a link back to their blog.

2. Place the Liebster Blog Award photo on your blog.

3. Nominate five to seven blogs of your own which have less than 200 followers that deserve the proper attention.

A special thanks to Joana Alonzo and Joe.

Thank you so much for this. : ) I hope I don’t disappoint you guys.

I can’t thank you enough for believing in me and my blog – tHe cOnFuSeD gRAdUaTe.

Good Day and Merrrry Christmas! Ho! Ho Ho HO!



image source : image 1 , image 2


54 thoughts on “A humble bow..”

  1. There’s nothing like good news! Thanks for your good wishes for my being awarded the Versatile Blogger Award!

    Congratulations for winning the VBA award and also the Liebster Award. There’s nothing like receiving recognition for your writing.
    I’m looking forward to reading about your trip. Have a great time.


  2. Confused, thank you so very humbly for this nomination. You certainly deserve your two nominations. May we all move onward and upward in 2012, walking only in the middle of the brightest light!

  3. Well deserved Vinett! It still amazes me how supportive the WordPress community is. Awards, constant praise, and motivation are always being passed around and it’s awesome to see. As bloggers and writers, it is necessary to motivate and inspire our fellow writers so we can rejuvenate either as, as you alluded too. I know there have been times where I wanted to give up or felt my content wasn’t liked, or interesting, or whatever, but with each comment, like, or subscription, it motivates me that much more to keep writing. I hope it does the same for you, which it sounds like it has.

    Great job! Keep writing!

    1. Yeah I know… WordPress and the wordpress community never stops motivating you.. Did you notice the new feature wordpress has added recently, that comes up just after you post? Pretty cool I must say! They just found another way to inspire bloggers to write. : )

      And the community here has been ever so welcoming 🙂 …Thanks for the award again, it certainly has given me an extra push, I needed. I think there’s loads and loads of wonderful blogs to be explored.. If not for these awards we would never know of ’em. pretty awesome.
      Hey, hope you have a wonderful 2012, Joe.
      Have a good one!

  4. Congrats to you!!!

    Woooooow! FYI…you had me in tears. It means a lot to know that someone is reading AND enjoying what I write. As soon as I get to a computer I will post!

    Again, thank you for the nomination.

    1. Thank you!.. And I enjoyed your nominations btw,.. truly well deserving blogs. : ) : )

      And here’s wishing you a very very happy new year! : )
      2012 is here!!!! : ) : )

  5. Hey thanks for stopping by, and commenting on my post on the 10 things I hate about hollywood. I appreciate it. I have another piece on Rudolph – the red nosed reindeer. Feel free to check it out whenver.


  6. Congrats – two! I’ll have to look around your site. It’s my first time here. I agree, what a way to top off the year.


    1. I know! Look’s like Christmas isn’t over for me yet. : ) I’ve many Santas .. : P

      Hey btw the winner for the Blogger of the Year is to be anounced any time today? right?

      ….Good luck.. must be so exciting.. I’ve my fingers crossed for you : )

  7. Congratulations to you and many thanks for your nomination of me. I might have to combine yours with another two that I’ve just received. 🙂 I’m honored by your recognition.

    1. You’re welcome!! You totally deserve it.
      Btw there’s no rush.. take your time …

      I’m not surprised you won another! I’m sure there’s many many more awards coming your way.. Good luck and happy blogging! 🙂

  8. Congrats on your receiving two awards in such a short time. The new year is here and we hope that you have a great year ahead with many more accolades on your way.
    Keep up the good work son and god bless.

  9. Congratulations on receiving the Liebster Blog award! And a big ‘thank you’ for taking out time to visit my blog…much appreciated!
    Wishing you the best of everything good in 2012.. 🙂

  10. Congratulations and thanks so much for all your visits! I look forward to reading your blog more and am going to follow, so I don’t miss anything! I’m still playing catch up from being gone over the holidays, so forgive me for being late! 🙂

    Here’s wishing you a very Happy New Year!

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